Check out her new bangs-she most definitely wants Aunt Ashley to see them per her request!
Ruthie's beautiful cake for a beautiful little girl!
Here is my gang today heading out for an adventure in the woods in our backyard.
Well, I know I have been missing for awhile. I love looking at every one's blogs, just a little bit slow at posting my own stuff. We have had quite a nice January-somewhat lazy, pretty cold-but that keeps us all bundled up and warm together inside, which is nice. Today brings another day off of school due to the weather-apparently it is not because of the "dusting" of snow but rather the ice out there that kept us home. So the kids eagerly bounced up and down to get their snow gear on, so I obliged. Somehow we were down one coat-how you could lose a coat is beyond me? Oh yeah, Brian Rose is their dad-that's how! So, Vann had a make shift winter jacket on comprised of a thick layer of sweatshirts, long sleeve shirts and a windbreaker-it'll do! I yelled at the kids as they took off on their adventure in the woods. "Try to see if you can find Vann's jacket ", we'll see if it turns up? This past weekend, we celebrated our goddaughter's 5th birthday. She will be in Vann's class, as well as his other cousin, Zack. Quite the little trio...She was all smiles as her mom placed her special order horse turned unicorn cake in front of her. We also caught the Colts vs Jets game too and are excited to see the Colts head to the SuperBowl-woo hoo!! In other news, Katie is very subtly growing up in ways weren't prepared for yet. She is starting to fuss over her hair?? and over her clothes and always wants jewelry on. She even told us she thought the waiter was cute when we ate out Saturday night! Brian's face was priceless when those words shot out of her mouth! She has really been wanting bangs, so we cut them Saturday and she has been curling and primping them all weekend. Good times! Lastly, I promised I would post about another giveaway on Beneath My Heart's blog. One day I am going to win one of these! It's another cute silver stamped jewelry giveaway and you'd be silly not to throw your name in the hat! Well, I hope this gets you caught up a little on the Rose family and may you all have a very blessed day:)