Monday, March 9, 2009

Until I can figure out what camera I think I need, my pictures on the blog will be elusive:( Hopefully in the next few weeks I can come to some conclusion! We have been so excited this past week to see the winter blahs slowly fade away and spring emerge. It was a gorgeous 3 day weekend with temps in the 70's. We are preparing to go to Port St Joe, FL in two weeks so this just got us more in the mood for flip flops and bathing suits. (I should definitely get a camera before then!) On Sunday, some of my closest friends and I got to travel to Nashville for an all day shopping adventure that ended in gluttony at Buca Di Pepa's. It was a long day in that we left at 7am and didn't return until 11 pm but it was so FAST. Does that make any sense? I am sure it does to all of you moms!
The boys are starting their 4th week of swim lessons and other than one little child calling Jack a "fat, little pig" it has gone pretty uneventful. In this little child's' defense, Jack does have an awful hard time crawling up the side to get back to sitting because of his round belly(it is such a sight to see!) But, it is still no reason to call names but thankfully Jack just laughed as he always does and went on about his business of climbing up and kicking his little legs in the pool.
At this moment, my three boys are watching Peter Pan and I am "eavesdropping" on Vann telling Jack that they "cannot like mermaids because they are girls" to which Jack just responded, "I like girls!" So cute......


Woodard Gang said...

If Aunt Ashley was around I might of had to sock someone's eye out!! Jack is sooo jolly and sweet...I just love him!!

Misty said...

Ashley beat me to the "punch". Tell Jack we love him just the way God made him.

Not that you asked, but I LOVE my camera. I think it was under $300 on Let me know if you want the info on it. I researched for months before getting it.

Lee Ann said...

It's a good thing Ryan didn't hear that, he would have been Aunt Ashley's wing man.....just like we were talking the other day,Mandy. Don't you wish we could keep our babies, babies 4ever? Love ya, Jack!